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This is the On-Line Competition and Match Information System for Lilydale & District Night Tennis.

View or Search for a Tennis Club

From this Site you can, by clicking on the menu items across the top of the page:

  1. View Competition Ladders
  2. View Competition Match Results
  3. View Customised Team Fixture Draws
  4. Access the Club Zone, where you can, enter match results, view player scores/statistics, and update club information.
    You need to be issued with a userid and password by your Tennis Club representative
    This option opens another browser window.

Next season 2004-3 will start on Monday 26th August.
Team entries for season 2024-3 are Closed.

Entering Match Results Please assist the Record Secretaries by entering your Match Results well in advance of the relevant cutoff:
  • Monday Ladies Competition: Results Entry Closes at 7:00pm Tuesdays.
  • Tuesday Mens Competition: Results Entry Closes at 7:00pm Wednesdays.
  • Wednesday Mixed Competition: Results Entry Closes at 7:00pm Thursdays.
  • Thursday O/S Competition: Results Entry Closes at 7:00pm Fridays.
  • Match results will only be accepted via TROLS (non-adherence penalty -4 points)
  • Winning team is responsible for uploading the match results into TROLS (late or missing result, penalty -4 points)
  • Home team is responsible for notifying a washout in TROLS (non-adherence, penalty -4 points)
  • Team receiving a forfeit is responsible for notifying TROLS (non-adherence, penalty -4 points)
  • Being named in a "complete washout" or forfeited match does not qualify as a match played towards finals eligibility.